Building the EMR Digital Twin Community
How WP1 helps to establish Digital Twins!
In Workpackage 1, we will create a digital twin expert community within the Euregio as start for the overall project!
We want to support and develop expertise and opportunities (business and/or employment-careers) on the territory in terms of digital twin through the creation of new synergy. Euregio includes numerous universities, colleges, research centers, training centers and innovative companies. By combining their knowledge and experiences, we can establish an innovative knowledge-sharing structure in which members of the academic body, researchers, trainers, experts, CEOs, engineers, industrialists, etc. collaborate jointly. These synergies can then potentially be used in WP1,3 and 4.
The partners will jointly organize both face-to-face events (workshops/seminars – Conferences – Study Days) and digital events (webinars – Live broadcasting of events – Videoconferences) on the theme concerned, aiming to achieve various objectives spread over time:
During the first year (March 2021 - December 2021), these events will be used to inaugurate the start of the project, to foster the exchange of ideas and development strategies as well as feedback from all stakeholders regarding the implementation of digital twins in an industrial environment. Groups and workshops will be created according to the different sub-themes addressed such as the use of digital twins in various sectors (manufacturing industry, chemistry, bioengineering...), the different transversal uses of digital twins (product-process-performance), the inherent and required skills for an optimal use of digital twins (soft and hard skills), etc.
During the second and third year (2022-01/2023-08), the organized events will give us the opportunity to present the results obtained from WP2-3-4 those resulting from the use cases, and to collect at the same time, the reactions of other specialists on this subject.
All physical Events will be hosted by partners across the Euregio, each partner involved in the WP at his turn, guaranteeing the cross-border approach.
As such, All Digital tools developed digital can be disseminated and shared with any actor or organization wishing to learn about their content, while guaranteeing the notion of confidentiality of certain data if necessary. To this end, we will set up a cloud platform, called “DT-Network” (see below) to guarantee the cross-border approach and the integration and participation of the whole consortium to the effort.
Within the WP1, a cross-border community on the topic of digital twins is being established, with experts and those who want to become experts. This makes the digital twin accessible to a broad mass of people!